ML intro


Mind Map on ML intro, created by Rafael Salgado on 12/03/2018.
Rafael Salgado
Mind Map by Rafael Salgado, updated more than 1 year ago
Rafael Salgado
Created by Rafael Salgado about 6 years ago

Resource summary

ML intro
  1. By Data
    1. Supervised: given training set is labeled
      1. Unsupervised: no right or wrong answer provided in training set
      2. By Result
        1. Categorization
          1. Continuous
          2. Linear regression
            1. Gradient descent: small step iterations until reaching a minima


              • Find minimum of cost function J by iterating mini steps to the minimal point
              1. By number of features "n"
                1. Single variable: find parameters theta0 and theta1
                  1. Multivariate: find parameters theta0... thetan
                  2. By function: select best function to match training set
                    1. Linear
                      1. Polynomial: square root
                      2. J(ThetaMatrix) = sum ((h(x) - y)^2)/2m
                        1. h(x): hypothesis function. h(x) = x0*theta0 + x1*theta1
                          1. x0 is equal to 1 most of the time!
                          2. y: output or target variable
                            1. m: number of training sets
                          3. Normal (analytical)
                          4. Logistic regression
                            1. Gradient descent
                              1. Advanced optimization methods
                                1. functions in Matlab/Octave)
                                  1. fminunc
                                  2. Details
                                    1. Used for classification models
                                  3. find parameters Theta to minimize cost function J
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