Types of energy


Mind Map on Types of energy, created by tgbuzzo123 on 09/15/2014.
Mind Map by tgbuzzo123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tgbuzzo123 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Types of energy
  1. Light
    1. given off by very hot objects, travels through space as waves, light energy from sun = solar
    2. Sound
      1. Travels in forms of waves, is a form of kinetic energy caused by vibrating objects
      2. Chemical
        1. Stored in chemicals. Is contained in foods, fossil fuels and plants (photosynthesis)
        2. Nuclear
          1. Energy stored in atoms (e.g. uranium)
          2. Gravitational
            1. Energy ready to be used by the force of Gravity
            2. Elastic
              1. Type of energy a stretched or wound-up object has
              2. Kinetic
                1. The energy of a moving object
                2. Electrical
                  1. Transmitted through wires, changes forms through appliances
                  2. Heat
                    1. energy hot objects have, when heat is taken away, the object becomes cooler
                    2. Potential
                      1. Stored energy
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