Finnish concept album


Freya Webb
Mind Map by Freya Webb, updated more than 1 year ago
Freya Webb
Created by Freya Webb over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Finnish concept album
  1. Before the begining
    1. Introduction
      1. Snowy and desolate
        1. pre-history
          1. Creation Myth
            1. tribal sound
              1. Kalevala
                1. Birth of character
                  1. Ballad
                    1. Kanteletar
                      1. Put to modern music
                      2. Sung in Finnish
                        1. Forest myth
                          1. Bear
                            1. Independance
                              1. The Winter War
                                1. A New Nation
                                  1. Epilogue
                                    1. Repetition of intro
                                      1. Builds until a sudden ending
                                        1. Begins with samples of recorded sounds
                                          1. Buskers
                                            1. Orchestral
                                          2. Echo Finlandia
                                            1. Theme of freedom
                                              1. Character feels a sense of belonging
                                            2. Echoes intro
                                              1. abrupt ending
                                              2. Longing
                                                1. Military
                                                2. Incapture longing for their own nation
                                                  1. Describe to and throw
                                                    1. Russia
                                                      1. Sweeden
                                                    2. Hangotar bear spirit
                                                      1. Shaman meets bear
                                                        1. Warning of what is happening outside of the forest
                                                        2. Trainquil
                                                          1. Capture feeling of the forest
                                                          2. Hunter falls in love with Mielikki
                                                            1. Tapio banishes him from the forest
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