Group 0- The Noble Gases


Mind Map on Group 0- The Noble Gases, created by milliewernyj17 on 06/12/2013.
Mind Map by milliewernyj17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by milliewernyj17 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Group 0- The Noble Gases
  1. They don't react with many things because they are inert. They are colourless gases at room temperature with a fully outermost shell
    1. They are non-flammable and therefore will not set on fire
      1. It took a long time for noble gases to be discovered because they are hard to observe. Chemists discovered there was an amount of nitrogen in the air when there was a denser amount of nitrogen in chemical reactions
        1. This lead to the discovery of other being made too as chemists thought if nitrogen was present in the air there must be others too
          1. They did a series of experiments including a fractional distillation of air
        2. Argon is used in light bulbs to provide an inert atmosphere which stops the hot filament from burning away
          1. Helium has a lower density than air so it is used in balloons to make them float as they try to rise above the air
            1. The boiling points and densities increase as you move down the group
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