The End of Life


Mind Map on The End of Life, created by Sammie Ring on 12/06/2013.
Sammie Ring
Mind Map by Sammie Ring, updated more than 1 year ago
Sammie Ring
Created by Sammie Ring almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The End of Life
  1. Hell
    1. Absence of God for those who reject Jesus' teachings.
      1. In the past it was looked up as more visual: Place of torment and suffering.
        1. Heaven
          1. For those who have followed God to spend eternity with God.
            1. Free from suffering
              1. If a sinner repents and turns away from bad deeds they can go to heaven.
              2. Purgatory
                1. This is an in-between state for the majority of people of waiting for heaven, a time of cleansing from sin and preparing for heaven.
                2. God as a Judge
                  1. ''PARABLE OF SHEEP AND GOATS''
                    1. Explains how Jesus will judge people at the end of their life according to how they have cared for others
                    2. According to the APOSTLES CREED God will judge the living and the dead at the end of time.
                      1. They believe that there will be a ressurection of the body on judgement day and at the end of time when everybody is made to account for their actions
                      2. Body and Soul
                        1. Christians believe that you have a mind/body but also a SOUL which makes us human.
                          1. 'God breathed life into Adam'
                          2. God ' created man in his own image'
                            1. Gives christians the belief they have a divine spark/soul which sets them apart from other living things'
                            2. Belief that the soul does not die but the body does it just lives on and you're reunited with God
                              1. 'The body which is perishable, shall be raised imperishable'
                              2. Salvation and Redemption
                                1. Jesus is described as he savior of the world- NEW TESTAMENT
                                  1. Died on the cross to take all sins
                                  2. Jesus- Redeemer; someone who saves a person from sin and damination
                                  3. Christian Funerals
                                    1. Reminds christians that they will live forever with God.
                                      1. Orthodox christians are only buried in coffins in the ground.
                                        1. Commital to ground
                                          1. 'We now return his/her body to the ground. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust'
                                          2. INCLUDE; Readings from bible, hymns, prayers, tributes.
                                            1. Roman catholics include a requiem mass.
                                              1. Funeral Rites:
                                                1. A priest or minster will sometimes come and visit the person to prepare for death.
                                                  1. Open casket can sometimes be chosen
                                                    1. Flowers: to represent the beauty of the world which the dead person is about to enter
                                                      1. Candles- are also lit to remind people that Jesus was the light of the world.
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