Aristotle's Virtue Ethics


Mind Map on Aristotle's Virtue Ethics, created by xhen dr on 09/20/2014.
xhen dr
Mind Map by xhen dr, updated more than 1 year ago
xhen dr
Created by xhen dr over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Aristotle's Virtue Ethics
  1. Nicomachean Ethics
    1. Contains Aristotle's work on moral philosophy.
      1. Book 1; everything that a person/group does is directed towards an aim. Whatever we do has purpose although sometimes it is difficult to know what the purpose is.
        1. 2; There are 'SUPERIOR' and 'SUBORDINATE' aims. e.g. writing a practice essay is subordinate to achieving a final A level. We do one thing in order to complete the aim of another important thing. The final aim is the 'good' for all humanity.
        2. Eudaimonia
          1. 3; The supreme good is defined as happiness. However this is problematic as happiness differs from person to person.
            1. Aristotle had 3 categories of people.
              1. 1) Those who love pleasure
                1. 2) Those who love honour
                  1. e.g. Politican
                    1. 3) Those who love contemplation
                      1. e.g. Philosopher
              2. Everything we do is aimed at happiness which enables us to thrive. Eudaimonia is the final goal/purpose that is for it's own sake.
              3. Humans
                1. 1) Humans are distinguished from the rest of creation because we can reason. Therefore logically we must use reason to work out what a good life is and then live it.
                  1. 2) For the Greeks, a person is primarily a member of a group e.g. family. Our Individuality is already partly decided for us by the groups we are apart of.
                    1. The overall well being of a group is more important then the well being of a single member.
                2. The Soul
                  1. By human goodness is meant goodness of the soul.
                    1. The soul is split in 2 major parts.
                      1. RATIONAL
                        1. Scientific (logic & facts) Calculative (choosing & weighing up)
                          1. Intellectual Virtues
                        2. IRRATIONAL
                          1. Desiderative (desires) Vegetative (needs & instincs)
                            1. Moral Virtues
                        3. An account of the soul must be made in order to describe an ethical person.
                        4. 1) Moral Virtues
                          1. Qualities of character e.g. courage. Connected to Irrational part of the soul (Desiderative, cultivated through habit)
                            1. There are 12 moral virtues which fall between two vices; vice of excess and vice of deficiency.
                              1. Excess
                                1. Virtue
                                  1. Deficiency
                                    1. Cowardice Shamelessness Maliciousy
                                    2. Courage Modesty Righteousness
                                    3. Rashness Shyness Envy
                                2. 2) Intellectual Virtues
                                  1. 5 Primary
                                    1. Art/Technical - practical skill of knowing how to bring something into existence.
                                      1. Scientific Knowledge (episteme) - comprises 'facts' of the universe.
                                        1. Prudence/Practical wisdom (phronesis) - most important as it helps balance our interests.
                                          1. Intelligence (nous) - basic intellect.
                                            1. Wisdom (sophia) - this is the finished form ie. lived to a good age and learned lessons before wisdom is cultivated.
                                    2. 4 Secondary
                                      1. Good deliberation - form or practical wisdom, knowing how to enquire about something.
                                        1. Understanding (sunesis) - beyond ability to know external facts about the world.
                                          1. Judgement (gnome)- For judgment to be good, it must take account of what is right and just for all.
                                            1. Cleverness -understanding all virtues
                                    3. The Golden Mean
                                      1. Most problematic aspect of Aristotle's ideas. It argues we must balance emotions and actions from virtue and vice.
                                        1. e.g. Rashness - Courage - Cowardice
                                        2. Virtue is found in the Golden Mean which involves finding the right balance.
                                          1. Courage is not a virtue in itself but is only considered a virtue when it is balanced away from extremes. Excess and Deficiency are dangerous.
                                            1. CRITICISM! - emotions and actions are morally neutral in themselves and it is only an extreme form which counts as a vice.
                                              1. The golden mean is not the same for everyone and must depend on circumstance.
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