Why did the Conservatives loose the 1906 General Election ?


Mind Map on Why did the Conservatives loose the 1906 General Election ?, created by willchannon98241 on 09/20/2014.
Mind Map by willchannon98241, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by willchannon98241 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Why did the Conservatives loose the 1906 General Election ?
  1. National Efficiency
    1. In some areas up to 50% of men trying to enlist were turned away
    2. Boer War 1899-1902
      1. Stories about concentration camps got out in Britain
        1. Took to long
          1. Waste of lives
            1. Caused moral outrage in Britain
            2. Chamberlain pushes tariff reform
            3. Tariff Reform
              1. Launched 1903 by Joe Chamberlain
                1. He believed it would pay for social reforms
                2. Imperial Protectionism
                  1. Made voters believe that rising import costs would mean higher food prices
                    1. Divided Cons party
                      1. United liberals on issue of free trade
                      2. Arthur James Balfour
                        1. Intelligent but lack political skills
                          1. Became PM when Uncle Sainsbury Died
                            1. Poor public speaker
                              1. Indecisive over Tariff reforms
                                1. Miscalculated reaction of working/ middle classes on key isssues
                                  1. Poor timing of General Election: When they were most unpopular
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