In 1928 the Nazi's were failing dismally, with
only 2.6% of the vote. They were considered a
Hitler was a great speaker and inspired people with his talks
The Nazi's concentrated on issues which the Germans were
worried about
Very good at raising money for election campaign
Propaganda organised by Josef
Goebbels was outsatnding, using the
latest technology and powerful
propaganda posters
The wall street crash meant that the U.S called in
their loans, and Germany was plunged into
Many businesses went bankrupt.
By 1932 unemployment reached 6
million. 1 in 4 people were
This made the Weimar government look
weak, since they had no solution to the
German people were angry and
started to support more extreme
parties, blaming democracy for the
When support for communism increased, many
wealthy business and land owners grew scared, that
they would lose their money. Thus, they started
supporting the Nazis
Hindenburg rejected Hitlers demand to be
chancellor. Howver he changed his mind, hoping the
Nazis could be used to crush communism. Hitler
reduced his demands because Nazi vote had fallen.
He was willing to join a coalition. Von Papen
persuaded Hindenburg he would control Hitler