
Mind Map on UN, created by richa neog on 09/23/2014.
richa neog
Mind Map by richa neog, updated more than 1 year ago
richa neog
Created by richa neog over 10 years ago

Resource summary

        1. Security Council
          1. Trusteeship Council
            1. 5 permanent members of the SC
              1. Administration of Trust Territories
              2. 5 permanent 10 non-permanent members
                1. For international peace and security issues
                2. ECOSOC
                  1. Secretariat
                    1. General Assembly
                      1. 193 Members 2 Observers
                        1. Chef deliberative, policy making and representative organ
                        2. 43,000 international staff members
                          1. Administrative Organ
                          2. 54 members 3yr mandates
                            1. Organ for global economic/social affairs
                            2. ICJ
                              1. 15 judges 9yrs in office
                                1. Universal Court for International Law
                          3. SPECIALIZED AGENCIES
                            1. Food and Agricultural Organization
                              1. International Labor Organization
                                1. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
                                  1. International Monetary Fund
                                    1. World Bank Group
                                      1. World Health Organization
                                        1. World Intellectual Property Organization
                                        2. PURPOSES
                                          1. Keep peace throughout the world
                                            1. Develop friendly relations among nations
                                              1. help nations work together to conquer poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy; respect rights/freedoms
                                                1. Centre for harmonizing actions of nations to achieve goals
                                                2. PRINCIPLES
                                                  1. Sovereign equality of all members
                                                    1. Settlement of disputes by peaceful means
                                                      1. Prohibition of threat/use of force in International Relations
                                                        1. Non-interference
                                                          1. Ensure non-members act in accordance to UN principles
                                                            1. Support for UN actions; no assistance to aggressors
                                                            2. AGENDA
                                                              1. Poverty & Development
                                                                1. Peace & Security
                                                                  1. Disarmament, Peacebuilding, Peacekeeping, Organized Crime
                                                                    1. Security Council, Peacebuilding Commission, Disarmament Commission
                                                                    2. Humanitarian Affairs
                                                                      1. UNICEF, UNDP, UNRWA, WFP, ECOSOC
                                                                        1. Human Security, Global Food Security, Humanitarian Response Co-ordination
                                                                        2. MDGs, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Agenda beyond 2015
                                                                          1. ECOSOC, GA Second Committee, Third Committee
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                                                                        Chapter 5 - The Six-day War of 1967
                                                                        Karima Ranieri
                                                                        WHAT WERE THE CAUSES OF THE GULF WAR
                                                                        Chapter 3 - The first Arab-Israeli War 1948-9
                                                                        Karima Ranieri
                                                                        Human Wellbeing Geography
                                                                        Olsson, Louise
                                                                        Louise Prytz
                                                                        Chapter 8 - The PLO, Lebanon and the first Intifada
                                                                        Karima Ranieri
                                                                        Peacekeepers in East Timor
                                                                        Wesley Spearman
                                                                        Ch 4 The Ice - Antarctica
                                                                        Daniela Pirisi
                                                                        UN INSARAG ACRONYMS
                                                                        Ben Hinchley
                                                                        UN Subsidiaries
                                                                        Rory Coverdale