General Overview (Plot, Characters and Setting)


A brief overview of the book "Of Mice and Men"!
Josh Elgin
Mind Map by Josh Elgin, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Elgin
Created by Josh Elgin over 9 years ago

Resource summary

General Overview (Plot, Characters and Setting)
  1. Set in the United Sates Of America, Soledad
    1. Soledad means lonely in latin


      • Which could suggest that it's a lonely place
      1. Based through the Great Depression of America
        1. People had to move around the country to find work.


          • They were called Migrant Workers.
      2. Lennie Small
        1. Has a mental disorder


          • During this time period, those with illness such as Lennie's were not treated. 
          1. Which hinders him and his companion (George)
          2. A very well-built/stong man


            • Those on the ranch admire him for his efficiency and attitude at work 
            1. Limited intelligence


              • Relies on George to help him
              1. likes to pet soft things


                • Such as puppies and mice. We know this got him in trouble at Weed, after he stroked a Lady's dress and the lady thought he was attacking her. 
                1. Rather forgetful
                2. George Milton
                  1. Small man - considerbly weaker than Lennie
                    1. Honest with those he trusts


                      • He told Slim that he used to manipulate Lennie, and that he nearly drowned because of himself. Which he now feels very guilty about.
                      1. Shares a dream with Lennie, that they'll buy their own house and they'll "live off the fat of the land"
                        1. Doesn't really fit into the other ranch workers conversations, as their way of life is different.


                          • They don't save up for the future, instead: At the end of every month (once they've got their paycheck) they'll go to a sex house and spend all their money.
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