PDHPE HSC core 1


HSC PE Mind Map on PDHPE HSC core 1, created by jordy.neilson on 09/24/2014.
Mind Map by jordy.neilson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jordy.neilson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

PDHPE HSC core 1
  1. How are priority issues for Australia's health identified?
    1. Measuring health status
      1. Role of epidemiology
        1. Measures of epidemiology
          1. Mortality
            1. Infant mortality
              1. Morbidity
                1. Life expectancy
              2. Identifying priority health issues
                1. Social justice principles
                  1. Priority population groups
                    1. Prevalence of condition
                      1. Potential for prevention and early intervention
                        1. Costs to the individual and community
                      2. What are the priority issues for improving Australia's health?
                        1. Groups experiencing health inequities
                          1. ATSI peoples
                            1. Socioeconomically disadvantaged people
                              1. Rural and remote
                                1. Overseas-born people
                                  1. The elderly
                                    1. People with disadvantages
                                    2. High levels of preventable diseases and health problems
                                      1. CVD
                                        1. Cancer (skin, breast, lung)
                                          1. Diabetes
                                            1. Respiratory disease
                                              1. Injury
                                                1. Mental health problems and issues
                                                2. A growing and ageing population
                                                  1. Healthy ageing
                                                    1. Increased population living with chronic disease and disability
                                                      1. Demand for health services and workforce shortages
                                                        1. Availability of carers and volunteers
                                                      2. What role do health care facilities and services play in achieving better health for all Australians?
                                                        1. Health care in Australia
                                                          1. Responsponsibility
                                                            1. Equity
                                                              1. Range and types
                                                                1. Health care expenditure vs expenditure on early intervention and prevention
                                                                  1. Impact of emerging new treatments and technology
                                                                    1. Health insurance
                                                                      1. Medicare
                                                                        1. Private
                                                                      2. Complementary and alternative health care approaches
                                                                      3. What actions are needed to address Australia's health priorities?
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