Heavy Metal Pollution


Mind Map on Heavy Metal Pollution, created by rhianbritto on 06/17/2013.
Mind Map by rhianbritto, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rhianbritto over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Heavy Metal Pollution
  1. Properties
    1. Bio-acc
      1. Bio-mag
        1. Synergystic
          1. cadmium and zinc
          2. control by increasing pH
            1. most heavy metals are more soluble at low pH
          3. Lead
            1. Sources
              1. water pipes can dissolve drinking water
                1. petrol - can be inhaled
                  1. paint - inhaled as dust or fumes
                    1. lead dust in industry can be inhaled or dissolved in sweat
                    2. Controls
                      1. in some countries, lead isn't used in water pipes, petrol or paints
                        1. lead dust is removed by filters
                          1. respirators are worn
                            1. regular blood tests
                          2. Mercury
                            1. all mercury compounds are toxic
                              1. some are absorbed into the body
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