Infancy and Childhood


Mind Map on Infancy and Childhood, created by sab_191 on 09/27/2014.
Mind Map by sab_191, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sab_191 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Infancy and Childhood
  1. APGAR Score
    1. National immunization Program in UAE
      1. Congenital Anomalies
        1. Postnatal Care
          1. Baby
            1. - Routine examination; -Perform a Phenistix test on the baby’s napkin; - Check growthand feeding; - Educate mother regarding immunisation schedule
            2. Mother
              1. - Assess the coping ability of the new mother. - Look for signs/symptoms of postpartum depression - Provide encouragement and advice - Check breast feeding - Check for back problems
            3. Common sexual behaviour in infants
              1. Preschool (less than 4 years): Touching, and rubbing private parts, in public and in private, showing private parts to others, trying to touch mother’s or other women’s breasts Removing clothes and wanting to be naked
                1. 4-6 years: Attempting to see other people when they are naked or undressing, mimicking dating behavior, talking about private parts and using “naughty” words, exploring private parts with children their own age
                  1. 7-12 years: Looking at pictures of naked or partially naked people, viewing/listening to sexual content in media, wanting more privacy and being reluctant to talk to adults about sexual issues
                  2. Well Baby Clinic
                    1. Measurements
                      1. head circumference
                        1. length
                          1. weight
                          2. Vaccines
                            1. Head-to-toe physical examination
                            2. Dehydration
                              1. Is a state of negative fluid balance that is most commonly caused by diarrheal illnesses.
                                1. Causes
                                  1. Illness, Gastroenteritis, Sweating, Due to fever, exercise, Alcohol, Diuretic, Diabetes
                                  2. Signs and Symptoms
                                    1. Increased thirst, increased pulse rate, decreased elasticity, dry mouth, fever, decreased urine output
                                  3. ORT
                                    1. Increased thirst, increased pulse rate, decreased elasticity, dry mouth, fever, decreased urine output
                                      1. Medical use: because it is less invasive than IV, it is used to treat mild to moderate dehydration in children
                                      2. Dentition
                                        1. 20 primary (deciduous) teeth: The lower central incisors are the first to erupt, followed by the upper central incisors, then lateral incisors, first molars, and finally bicuspids
                                          1. The 32 permanent teeth: Deciduous teeth begin to be replaced by the permanent teeth at around age 6 years. The sequence of replacement is similar to that of the appearance of deciduous teeth
                                          2. Behaviour of 2 years old
                                            1. Tantrum
                                              1. A display of ill-humor, especially a demonstration of rage or frustration by shouting or violent physical movements
                                                1. To cope with and to teach self-control, parent needs to:
                                                  1. - Talk about feelings and how to cope with them - Offer ideas for how to manage strong emotions  - Empathize with your child - Give your child a visual aid to make waiting easier - Let your child make choices appropriate to her age - Look for ways to help your child “practice” self-control
                                                2. -Form more complete sentences; -Enjoy using their senses and motor skills; -Are laying the foundation for reading and writing; -Start to use logical reasoning to solve everyday problems; -Enjoy playing alongside other children, but usually keep to themselves; -Complete puzzles with eight pieces or less and are learning math skills, like understanding addition and subtraction using numbers 1 and 2; -A display of ill-humor, especially a demonstration of rage or frustration by shouting or violent physical movements
                                                3. Total Body Water (TBW)
                                                  1. Intracellular Fluid (ICF) [40%]
                                                    1. Extracellular Fluid (ECF) [20%]
                                                      1. TBW = 60% x Body Weight.
                                                      2. What is weaning?
                                                        1. Stage 1: 4 to 5 months Food should be thin, smooth and semi solids. Stage 2: 6 to 9 months Food should be minced or mashed and may include soft finger food. Stage 3: 10 to 12 months Food should be minced or chopped.
                                                          1. Introduction of foods alternative to milk.
                                                          2. Developmental milestones
                                                            1. is an ability that is achieved by most children by a certain age and can involve physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication skills
                                                              1. At 2 months
                                                                1. Social: Begins to smile,can briefly calm himself and tries to look at parent Language/Communication: Coos, turns head toward sounds. Cognitive: Pays attention to faces.begins to follow things with eyes, recognize people at a distance. and begins to act bored Movement/Physical Development: Can hold head up and makes smoother movements with arms and legs
                                                                2. 4 months
                                                                  1. Social: Smiles spontaneously, likes to play with people, copies movements & facial expressions . Language/Communication: Begins to babble with expression and copies sounds he hears. Cries in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired. Cognitive: Responds to affection, reaches for toy with one hand, uses hands and eyes together Movement/Physical Development Holds head steady, unsupported, may be able to roll over from tummy to back, brings hands to mouth.
                                                                  2. 6 months
                                                                    1. Social: Begins to know if someone is a stranger. Likes to look at self in a mirror. Language/Communication: Strings vowels together when babbling (“ah,” “eh,” “oh”) and responds to own name Cognitive: Shows curiosity about things and tries to get things that are out of reach, begins to pass things from one hand to the other. Movement/Physical Development: Rolls over in both directions, begins to sit without support.
                                                                    2. 12 months
                                                                      1. Social: Is shy or nervous with strangers, cries when mom or dad leaves, shows fear in some situations. Language/Communication: Responds to simple spoken requests, says “mama” and “dada”, tries to say words you say. Cognitive: Explores things in different ways, looks at the right picture or thing when it’s named, pokes with index finger. Movement/Physical Development: Gets to a sitting position without help, pulls up to stand, walks holding on to furniture, may stand alone.
                                                                      2. At 4 years
                                                                        1. Social: Is  more creative with make-believe play, would rather play with other children than by himself, talks about what she likes. Language/Communication: Tells stories, can say first and last name. Cognitive: Names some colors and numbers, understands idea of counting, draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts, uses scissors, tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book. Movement/Physical Development: Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food.
                                                                      3. Infantile Colic
                                                                        1. Causes
                                                                          1. Hunger;Intestinal gas; Overfeeding the infant or feeding too quickly; Acid reflux; Tummy trouble
                                                                          2. Signs
                                                                            1. Predictable crying episodes. Intense or inconsolable crying. Crying that occurs for no apparent reason. Posture changes.
                                                                            2. is inconsolable crying in an infant, usually starts between 3rd-6th week after birth and ends by the time the baby is 3 to 4 months old
                                                                              1. Treatment
                                                                                1. Holding the child Place a warm water bottle on the baby’s stomach. Gently rub the baby’s stomach. Burp baby often
                                                                              2. Physical Examinations
                                                                                1. Temperature (normal value 98.6° F (37° C))
                                                                                  1. Pulse (normal value 120-160 beats per minute)
                                                                                    1. Head and neck
                                                                                      1. Breathing Rate
                                                                                        1. Heart
                                                                                          1. Skin
                                                                                            1. Abdomen
                                                                                            2. Diarrhea
                                                                                              1. Acute
                                                                                                1. Chronic
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