The Essence of Education


post grad Education Mind Map on The Essence of Education, created by avril9249 on 09/28/2014.
Mind Map by avril9249, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by avril9249 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Essence of Education
  1. Definition
    1. the conscious and purposeful, planned action or invention or the educator into the normal everyday life of the child
    2. Essential Characteristics
      1. human relationship, accept & trust. Atmosphere of safety and security. Future orientated - guided by values and norms. initiates a moral conscience. support & guides child towards independence. Keep in mind what child is capable of - still on their way to maturity. Takes place no so much by instruction but by example.
      2. The Educational Relationship
        1. Unique, between adult and child, dialogise in nature - someone call, someone answers. Built on mutual trust. Authoritative by nature. Mutual risks must be taken. Mutual creative participation. Child not aware of support & guidance. Intervention starts from the world of the child. only if both parties meet & interact, binding engagement takes place. an unpredictable relationship. Guided by an aim and objective.
        2. The Educational Situation
          1. Entirety of relations & relationships - when the aim or intention is to educate or teach. Includes contexts like, family, school, church, neighbourhood, playground, others.
            1. Family
              1. forms primary life situation of child. Will direct the course of educational intervention & edu relationship. Child finds everything he needs. Loving acceptance, care, protection, idea of own value, confidence to take risks.
                1. authority needed for guidance & protection, values & culture.
                  1. 1st & most powerful edu situation that the child will find himself in. Partly due to a young child having no other social interactions. Childs acceptance of the parents - emotional security. common humanity - acceptance will effect and direct the rest of the child's development.
          2. Aim, Purpose & Objective of Education
            1. that the next generation (when they become the adult & directive generation) will maintain, upheld & develop the same values & perspectives the generation before subscribed to them.
              1. Life cannot be postponed - its a continuous process. through this process child, will come to know himself, aware of personal & unique possibilities & limitations. Aspects of this purpose or goal to life include: physical body, economical, intellectual, social, vocational, ethnic - religious, aesthetical and sexual aspects.
            2. Essential Categories or Criteria of Education
              1. 1. Future Orientation
                1. towards future maturity & adulthood. Child needs guidance to become and adult himself. Innate desire to become and adult - called emancipation desire/urge. cultural - needs more than physical care. Edu is future orientated. Trust adult - desire tendency to identify with adult. child takes not of what the educators says, but what he is. Edu implies change and transformation. includes hope, anxiety, child needs care, support, protection, guidance.
                2. 2. Becoming an adult
                  1. find role model from nearest person. modern society - father role model vague. lack of confidence to tackle adulthood. dependant on loving family set-up. love-less family, apathy, aggression, childish behaviour, isolation, loneliness, depression, meaninglessness
                  2. 3. Category of acceptance
                    1. child not accepted - not educated. specific, unique, special child with unique potential & possibilities. no acceptance - emotional neglect. educator must make sacrifices, be available, listen until he opens up. acceptance & trust from parents build foundation of trust with others
                    2. 4. Category of needing support & guidance
                      1. child's helplessness makes him dependant on support & guidance. needs unique & constantly change. use intuition, empathy, understanding, love. Childs dependency, get support from health clinics, fee education, places of safety, child protection laws, child welfare,
                      2. 5. Category of authority
                        1. the child has freedom to develop potential but with limits or borders. freedom & authority go together. authority does not equal force. Freedom = choices = responsibility = adulthood or maturity
                        2. 6. Category of ethic - normative
                          1. assist to become a better person - aim of edu. child must be won over or trust gained. child not capable of abstract thinking, requires concrete examples (role-models). value are transferred from adult to child.
                          2. 7. category of socialisation
                            1. individual is human only in his common humanity, does not happen on its own. adjust & fit into society - interest protected and promoted - socialisation.
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