German Controlled Assessment


Mind map to ensure remembrance of my german paragraphs for upcoming writing assessment.
slytherin girl221
Mind Map by slytherin girl221, updated more than 1 year ago
slytherin girl221
Created by slytherin girl221 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

German Controlled Assessment
  1. Para. 1
    1. danke fur einen brief.
      1. visit school
        1. super + friends in class
          1. 1100 students
            1. library is quite big
            2. Para 2
              1. Visit school for 5 years
                1. Nine o'clock
                  1. Ten past ten
                  2. Five lessons per day
                    1. Maths and P.E
                      1. Past tense!!!!
                        1. 1 hour
                        2. Para 3
                          1. dark blue tie
                            1. Red stripes
                            2. black jacket
                              1. white shirt
                                1. Find it good
                                2. Para 4
                                  1. Favourite: English
                                    1. with a "c"!!!
                                    2. interesting + easy
                                      1. German = great
                                        1. Maths is complicated
                                        2. Para 5
                                          1. Rules are important
                                            1. I will do my homework
                                              1. Be helpful and kind
                                                1. Future tense!!!!
                                                  1. Not talk
                                                  2. Para 6
                                                    1. Extra- curricular activities
                                                      1. Football
                                                        1. Mondays = Maths
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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