Energy systems


Mind Map on Energy systems, created by katelin.meijer on 10/01/2014.
Mind Map by katelin.meijer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katelin.meijer over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Energy systems
  1. Alactacid system (ATP-PC
    1. Source of fuel
      1. Creatine phosphate
      2. Duration
        1. At 95-100% - 10-12sec
        2. Cause of fatigue
          1. Depletion of stores
          2. No by products
            1. Recovery
              1. 30 sec to 2 minutes
              2. 100m sprint, field events
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              Nutrition and Energy Systems.
              JoseFINE Capolingua
              WCC VCE PE: Energy Systems Interplay
              Tim Hodge
              WCC VCE PE: Energy Systems
              Tim Hodge
              Energy Systems
              Wesley Spearman
              Energy Transfer during Long Duration/Low Intensity Exercise
              Wesley Spearman
              Releasing Energy
              Bryony Hammatt
              Factors Affecting Performance CORE 2
              Emma Webb
              WCC VCE PE: Energy Systems Interplay
              Energy Transfer during Long Duration/Low Intensity Exercise
              Gareth Breen
              WCC VCE PE: Energy Systems
              Allison Collier
              WCC VCE PE: Energy Systems Interplay
              Beth Woodman