My skills


Mind Map on My skills, created by thus_styles on 06/25/2013.
Mind Map by thus_styles, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by thus_styles over 11 years ago

Resource summary

My skills
  1. Web Design and Web Development
    1. HTML5
      1. CSS3
        1. Ruby On Rails
          1. Wordpress development
            1. Javascript/jQuery
              1. PHP/MySql
              2. Programming
                1. Python
                  1. Javascript
                    1. Ruby
                      1. Java (slightly)
                        1. Procedural programming
                          1. Object orientated programming
                          2. Software experience
                            1. Photoshop CS5/CS6
                              1. Text Editors e.g Sublime Text 2
                                1. Illustrator
                                  1. Sony Vegas 10/11
                                    1. Adobe Premiere
                                    2. Computer Science
                                      1. Knowledge of fundamentals of computer science
                                        1. Knowledge of building computers/hardware
                                        2. Punctual
                                          1. Enthhusiastic
                                            1. Dedicated to subjects
                                              1. Experience using Windows and Mac OS
                                                1. Logical thinking
                                                  1. If else statements programming
                                                  2. Good mathematical skills
                                                    1. Problem solving skills
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