This used steam and atmospheric
pressure. It pumped water out of mines,
however, constantly cooling and
reheating the cylinder wasted energy
and sometimes caused it to explode
James watt's steam engine
Watt used a separate cylinder
for condensing so less energy
was wasted and the engine was
less likely to explode
Watt also added the sun and
planet Gearing system which
converted the up/down
action into a circular motion
The engine could now be used to
operate factory machinery,
replacing water wheels
Steam engines transformed industry by:
You no longer had to build factories near a water source
You could transform your goods very easily
Higher efficiency
People could get places easily
Steam power was more expensive than water power
and it meant that factories tended to bear near a
source of coal
Smoke caused pollution and factory owners
needed to maximise labour whilst the engine was
running, hence the long hours and short breaks