Individual and society - DKH


Mind Map on Individual and society - DKH, created by sophiehuangieee on 10/05/2014.
Mind Map by sophiehuangieee, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sophiehuangieee over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Individual and society - DKH
  1. Traditions and Customs
    1. Gives stability in changing world
      1. Reveals norms that govern the entire community
        1. Pride
          1. White superiority
          2. Conflict and tension between the 2 dichotomous cultures
            1. Through settings, music and dance as symbolism: Tango vs drums, Viennese waltz vs trance, anachronism and sterility vs expression of life
          3. Gender
            1. Females as subordinates by men
              1. Base for which the masculine nationalism is built upon - possession or sex objects
              2. Women as stabilisers, anchor in a turbulent present
                1. Protect custom, ensuring that nothing jeopardises the stability
                  1. Empowered when their culture is in threat
                2. Duty vs Desire
                  1. To the collective
                    1. Special communal responsibilities thrust upon prominent individuals - destiny
                      1. Identities linked to duty
                        1. Conflict with one's nature/ desire
                          1. Eg) Elesin's hypocrisy, convince his friends at the purity of his actions
                            1. Failure of will as an allegory of a wider African failure to stick to indigenous values, even when not actually forced to abandon them
                              1. Irreparable cost to individual and society
                        2. Death
                          1. The continuation of life to the next stage vs the end
                          2. Tragedy
                            1. Olunde's self sacrifice as a powerful periphery, Elesin's suicide in an undignified manner, disruption to culture, futile sacrifices by women
                            2. Outsider
                              1. Rejection, ridiculed when actions offend societal norms
                                1. Disrespecting to culture they don't understand
                                  1. Intervention as a destructive force
                                    1. Formative effect on hybrid's sense of identity and roots, receive education and understanding of both cultures, strengthens their ability to protect the Yoruba culture - language and sentence structure
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