How and where does Saul find a sense of belonging?


Indian Horse - Saul mind map by Sasha
Sasha Rutkovsky
Mind Map by Sasha Rutkovsky, updated more than 1 year ago
Sasha Rutkovsky
Created by Sasha Rutkovsky almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

How and where does Saul find a sense of belonging?
  1. Virgil tells Saul that no Moose player is going to be like him. Chapter 25
    1. Saul was welcomed to be one of the Moose players. Virgil tells Saul; "Welcome to the Moose" Chapter 25
      1. Saul fits in well with the Moose hockey players; seems to be even better than them. Chapter 25
        1. People often make fun of Saul because of how short he is but his team know how talented he is, and call him the "secret weapon". Chapter 26
          1. Saul has adopted parents, Fred and Martha Kelly and he gets along with Virgil as brothers. Chapter 27
            1. Saul enjoys playing with the Moose and travelling with them. Chapter 27
              1. Second year with the Moose, Saul and his teammates win most of the games. Chapter 28
                1. Father Leboutilier comes to see Saul's game and tells him "You make other players better". Chapter 28
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