'Mabo' - Rachel Perkins


Mind Map on 'Mabo' - Rachel Perkins, created by elizaboulton on 10/07/2014.
Mind Map by elizaboulton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elizaboulton over 10 years ago

Resource summary

'Mabo' - Rachel Perkins
  1. Characters:
    1. Koiki "Eddie" Mabo
      1. Born on Murray Island, adopted son of Benny Mabo.
        1. Exiled from Mer, results in lack of clear sense of direction. Eddie ends up working on the railways in central Australia.
          1. Becomes a heavily involved activist for Indigenous Australians, regarding land rights and native titles.
            1. The Protagonist, Plaintiff for the legal battle.
            2. Bonita "Netta" Mabo
              1. Wife of Koiki.
              2. Benny Mabo
                1. The adoptive father of Eddie, but considered him to be his first child.
                2. The Mabo Children (Family)
                  1. Patrick "Paddy" Killoran
                    1. Belittled the Indigenous people on Mer.
                      1. Was the 'White Protector'.
                        1. Believed he knew was right for the Indigenous people.
                        2. Mabo Lawyers
                          1. Government Lawyers
                          2. Themes:
                            1. Racism and Inequality
                              1. Home and Belonging
                                1. Love and Family
                                  1. The 'Natural World'
                                    1. Reconcilation
                                      1. Identity and Values
                                        1. Sense of belonging
                                      2. Filmic Techniques:
                                        1. Close Up's
                                          1. Point of View
                                            1. Wide Angle
                                              1. High/Low Angles
                                                1. Mise-En-Scene
                                                  1. Costume
                                                    1. Music
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