The respiratory system: nose, pharynx and larynx


Mind Map on The respiratory system: nose, pharynx and larynx, created by bekio on 10/08/2014.
Mind Map by bekio, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bekio over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The respiratory system: nose, pharynx and larynx
  1. Structure
    1. Nose
      1. Nasal Cavity
        1. Frontal Sinus
          1. Conchae
            1. olfactory bulb
              1. Olfactory nerve
                1. sphenoid sinus
                  1. adenoids
                  2. Pharynx
                    1. Nasopharynx
                      1. Tonsil
                        1. Oropharynx
                          1. Epiglottis
                            1. hypopharynx
                            2. Larynx
                              1. Trachea
                                1. Oesphagus
                              2. Functions of airways
                                1. Provide passageways
                                  1. Allows respiration to take place
                                  2. Gas exchange
                                    1. Diffusion
                                      1. Concentration gradient
                                      2. Coughing
                                        1. Refelex mechnasim
                                          1. Controlled by the medulla
                                          2. Pleura
                                            1. Two Layers
                                              1. Contain fluid
                                                1. Allow layers to pass by each other
                                                2. Smoking effects
                                                  1. Paralyses cillia
                                                    1. Unable to cleanse respiratory system
                                                      1. Disease
                                                        1. Bronchitis
                                                          1. Lung cancer
                                                        2. Breathing
                                                          1. Active
                                                            1. Intercostal muscles
                                                              1. Diaphragm flattens, pressure decreases
                                                              2. Inhalation
                                                              3. Passive
                                                                1. Intercostal muscles
                                                                  1. Diaphragm becomes dome shaped, pressure increases
                                                                  2. Exhalation
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