

Mind Map on Religion, created by besmasara on 10/09/2014.
Mind Map by besmasara, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by besmasara over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Functionalism
    1. functionalism sees religion promotes
      1. social harmony,
        1. social integeration
          1. social solidarity.
            1. through the reinforcement of the value consensus
              1. Durkheim believed that dimensions of religion would eventually disappear
                1. other religions such as civil religion would take place.
                  1. american civil religion involves loyalty to the nation state and belief in god
                    1. singing the national anthem
                      1. it is not necessarily catholic, protestant or Jewish god but american god
                        1. Although america involves a belief in god , according to belief this doesn't have to be the case.
                          1. Nazi germany and soviet union had secular political beliefs and rituals around which they sough to unite society
              2. religion binds people like social cement
                1. did a study at Australia
                  1. Arunta tribe of aborigines
                    1. worshipping a sacred object
                      1. created by society and is so sacred
                        1. according to Durkheim, totem is created by society
                          1. o they're actually worshipping the society
                            1. this helps to devlop moral ties between them
                              1. this gives shared identity, commitment and belonging
                                1. this is called collective conscience
                                  1. shared norms values, beliefs and knowledge that makes social life and co-operation possible
                                    1. this helps to prevent any rapid social change
                  2. Malinowski
                    1. he argues that death is the main reason that religion still exists
                      1. he sees religion giving explanation for events that were hard to explain
                        1. 2 types of situation
                            1. AT TIMES OF LIFE CRISES
                              1. Birth, Puberty and Disruptive changes
                              2. Lagoon fishing is safe and no ritual
                          2. Parsons
                            1. religion helps to cope with unforeseen and uncontrollable outcomes
                              1. 2 essential functions that performs for modern society
                                1. it creates and legitimates societys central values
                                  1. it is the primary source of meaning
                                2. answers to ultimate questions about human conditions
                                  1. why do people die at young age
                                3. neglects that religion as a source of oppression of the poor or women.
                                  1. ignores the conflict and divison in modern societies where there is more than one religion
                                4. marxism
                                  1. class conflict
                                    1. marx predicted that working class would become of their exploitation and unite to overthrow captilaism
                                      1. In marxs view, religion operates an ideological weapon used by the ruling class
                                        1. to legitimate the suffering of the poor as something inevitable and god-guven
                                    2. religion misleads the poor into believing that suffering is virtuous
                                      1. According to chrisianity, IT IS EASIER FOR A CAMEL TO PASS THROUGH A NEEDLE THAN IT IS FOR A RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN
                                      2. Lenin describes religion as supernatural gin
                                        1. the ruling class religion cynically to manipulate the masses and keep them from attempting to overthrow the rulling class by creating a mystical fog that obscures relaity.
                                        2. religion legitimates the power and privilege appear to be divinely ordained.
                                          1. religion as the product of alientation
                                            1. alientation means losing control or separated from that one has produced
                                            2. religion acts like opium to dulll the pain of oppression
                                            3. Feminism
                                              1. society as patriarchal
                                                1. EVIDENCE
                                                  1. Religious organisations
                                                    1. male dominated
                                                      1. orthodox Judaism and catholic forbid to women to become priests
                                                        1. Karen Armstrong sees womens exclusion from the priesthood of most religions as evidence of their marginalsiation
                                                    2. Places of worship
                                                      1. womesn participation may be restricted.
                                                        1. For exmaple not being allowed to preach or to read from sacred texts
                                                          1. In islam women are not allowed to touch the Quran whne they are on their menstruation
                                                            1. jean Holm escribes this as the devaluation of women in contemporary religion.
                                                      2. Sacred texts
                                                        1. usually written and interpetted by men.
                                                          1. Stories of anti female stero-types
                                                            1. the story of Eve who in the Judaeo-Christian story of Genesis, caused humanity fall from grace and explusion from the garden of Eden
                                                        2. Religious laws and customs
                                                          1. women given fewer rights than men
                                                            1. for example to get divorce
                                                              1. Many relgions legitimate and regulates women's traditional domestic and reproductive role
                                                                1. For example, the catholic church bans abortion and aritifical contraception
                                                                  1. However Karen Armstrong argues that early religions often placed the women at the centre.
                                                                    1. For example earth mother goddness
                                                          2. Saadawi argues that it is not the direct cause of their subordination,
                                                            1. rather it is the result of patriarchal
                                                              1. However woodhead argues that women use religion to gain greater freedom and respect
                                                                1. For example western feminists to see it is a symbol of oppression
                                                                  1. However she argues that some Muslim women to wear the hijab to escape the confines of the home and enter education and employement
                                                        3. Religion now contributes to womens oppression . for instance El saadawi and Armstrong sees the rise of montheism as legitimating the power of men over women,
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