Applied Business


Mind Map on Applied Business, created by dec on 10/10/2014.
Mind Map by dec, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dec over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Applied Business
  1. Primary Sector
    1. Secondary Sector
      1. Tertiary Sector
        1. Selling the product and service
        2. Making products from raw materials
        3. Producing raw materials
        4. Interdependence
          1. When a business depends on other business to suceed
            1. -Coca beans -Factories to make the chocolate -Shops
          2. Specialisation
            1. A worker ONLY doing what they specialise in
              1. A plumber only plumbs if he gets fired he has no other GCSE options to help him get another job.
            2. SMART objectives
              1. Specific Measureable Achievable Realistic Timed
              2. Aims
                1. Aims are something you work towards to
                2. Objectives
                  1. Objectives are your long term goal
                  2. Location
                    1. Location is the place where a firm decides to site its operations. Location decisions can have a big impact on costs and revenues. A business needs to decide on the best location taking into account factors such as: Customers, Staff, Support services and Cost
                    2. Functional areas
                      1. Departments in a business organization are structured according to certain functions. Such as;
                        1. Production The production department is responsible for transforming raw materials into finished products. They are also responsible for quality control to ensure that required standards are met. Finance/Accounts The accounts department makes and receives all payments on behalf of the business and records all financial transactions Marketing This department creates awareness for the firm products and motivates consumers to buy. They also carry out market research to identify customer’s needs Human Resources/Personnel The human resource department recruits and selects staff for the business organization. They are also responsible for staff training and welfare
                      2. Private Limited Company
                        1. A Company owned by shareholders. A limited number of shares are issued, these are owned by family and friends of the business. The business has limited liability
                        2. Public Limited Company
                          1. A Company owned by shareholders. It must have £50,000 of capital when founded, and may allow its share to be bought by the general public
                          2. Limited Liability
                            1. Shareholders are only responsible for the company’s debts up to the value of their shareholding
                            2. Unlimited Liability
                              1. A legal obligation on the owners of the business to pay all debts of the business. Even their personal possessions may be claimed.
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