What is fairtrade? How can fairtrade make a difference to Cocoa farmers?


Mind Map on What is fairtrade? How can fairtrade make a difference to Cocoa farmers?, created by abigail_grice on 07/06/2013.
Mind Map by abigail_grice, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abigail_grice over 11 years ago

Resource summary

What is fairtrade? How can fairtrade make a difference to Cocoa farmers?
  1. Fairtrade is...
    1. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.
    2. Fairtrade Products
      1. Cotton, Coffee, Juice, Soft Drinks, Fresh Fruit, Chocolate, Biscuits, Sweets, Wine, Spirits, Flowers, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Dried Fruit, Cakes, Brownies, Cereal, Honey, Beer, Ale etc.
      2. What Can We Do To Help?
        1. Create a Campaign Group, Buy Fairtrade Products, Donate, Advertise, etc.
        2. How Does Fairtrade Help Cocoa Farmers?
          1. It helps them by improving housing in the remote farming communities. Many families can now afford the modest costs to send their children to school and when ill they can afford to pay the charges for government subsidised medicines and doctors’ appointments.
          2. How Can Fairtrade Help The Villages?
            1. Provide Clean Water, Money for Schools, Health Equipment, etc
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