Human Resource Management


Mind Map on Human Resource Management, created by dayzxoxo on 10/12/2014.
Mind Map by dayzxoxo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dayzxoxo over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Human Resource Management
  1. Attract an effective workforce
    1. Job analysis
      1. Job description
        1. Job specification
          1. HRM Planning
            1. Recruiting & Selecting
              1. advertising
                1. preliminary contact
                  1. initial screening
                    1. External recruitment
                      1. Internal recruitment
                        1. includes
                          1. can be
                          2. Forecasting
                            1. must have
                              1. must have
                              2. Maintaining an effective workforce
                                1. Wages & Salary
                                  1. Base remuneration
                                    1. can be
                                    2. Benefits
                                      1. Fringe benefits
                                        1. Flexible benefits programs
                                          1. include
                                          2. Labour
                                            1. Relations & Terminations
                                              1. Dismissal
                                                1. includes
                                              2. Develop an effective workforce
                                                1. Appraisals
                                                  1. Performance management system
                                                    1. Performance appraisal
                                                      1. evaluation
                                                        1. development
                                                          1. is a part of
                                                        2. Development
                                                          1. Socialisation
                                                            1. Orientation
                                                              1. involves
                                                                1. is a part of
                                                                2. Off-the-job training
                                                                  1. includes
                                                                3. Training
                                                                  1. On-the-job training
                                                                    1. Coaching
                                                                      1. Mentoring
                                                                        1. Modelling
                                                                            1. Off-the-job training
                                                                              1. management development
                                                                                1. Beginning managers
                                                                                  1. Middle managers
                                                                                    1. Top managers
                                                                                  2. includes
                                                                                  3. should include
                                                                                  4. have to manage
                                                                                    1. industrial relations
                                                                                      1. discrimination
                                                                                        1. can be
                                                                                          1. legal
                                                                                            1. tattoo
                                                                                              1. Location
                                                                                                1. could be
                                                                                                2. illegal
                                                                                                  1. could be
                                                                                                    1. age
                                                                                                      1. culture
                                                                                                        1. gender
                                                                                                    2. is managed by
                                                                                                      1. unions
                                                                                                        1. business associations
                                                                                                    3. can lead to
                                                                                                      1. international HRM
                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                                      HRCI Glossary of Terms A-N
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                                                                                                      Human Resource Management
                                                                                                      A Donaghy
                                                                                                      Functions of a Human Resource Manager
                                                                                                      Siobhan O'Sullivan
                                                                                                      Human Resource Management Definitions
                                                                                                      Evaluating HRD interventions
                                                                                                      Emily Bramhall
                                                                                                      International Human Resource Management (IHRM) W10
                                                                                                      Dilek Senturk
                                                                                                      HR Planning
                                                                                                      Advantages and disadvantages of PRP
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                                                                                                      Trade union decline and the consequences for HRM
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