

The different types of computers and short facts about each type
Mind Map by Charlicious , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Charlicious over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Desktop
    1. Large
      1. Difficult to move from their place
      2. High amount of storage possible
        1. Quite powerful
        2. Laptop
          1. Portable
            1. Powered by a battery + can be charged
            2. Can fit on your lap
            3. Supercomputer
              1. Most powerful computer made
                1. Has to be kept in special enviroment
                2. Not-Portable
                3. Mainframe computers
                  1. Not as powerful as supercomputers
                    1. Second most powerful computer made
                    2. Need to be kept in special enviroments
                      1. Not-portable
                      2. Netbook
                        1. Smaller than a notebook
                        2. PDA
                          1. Personal Digital Assistant
                            1. Can fit in your pocket
                              1. Not as many functions as other devices
                              2. Notebook
                                1. Portable
                                  1. Smaller than a laptop
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