Rise of Islamic Civilization


Mind Map on Rise of Islamic Civilization, created by ecw0026 on 10/16/2014.
Mind Map by ecw0026, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ecw0026 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Rise of Islamic Civilization
  1. Arabian Peninsula
    1. Medina
      1. had been inhabited by nomadic Arabs known as Bedouins
        1. pastoral people
      2. Muhammad Ibn Abdullah
        1. First wife was Khadija bint Khuwayhid
          1. Hijra
            1. Islam
              1. Muslim
                1. literally means "one who submits"
              2. Abu Bakr
                1. born in Mecca to a Quaraysh tribe
                  1. deeply troubled by religious corruption and socia inequalities in Mecca
                    1. took long periods of reflection
                      1. discovered that he is Allah's messenger
                        1. commissioned to bring them a scripture in their own language
                    2. Five Pillars of Islam
                      1. Zakat
                        1. payment made anually under Isamic law on cetain kinfs of property and used for charity
                        2. Ramadan
                          1. Fasting
                          2. Hajj
                            1. testmony
                              1. prayer 5 times a day
                              2. Abrahamic Religions
                                1. Quran
                                  1. Haram
                                    1. Allah
                                      1. presented as only all powerful God
                                      2. Day of Judgement
                                        1. sacred scripture of Islam
                                          1. demanded social justice
                                          2. Muslim communities
                                            1. Umma
                                              1. Dhimmis
                                                1. Mu'min
                                                  1. Caliph
                                                  2. Mecca
                                                    1. Quaraysh tribe
                                                      1. strongest tribe because of taxing the local trade
                                                      2. site of Kaaba
                                                        1. most prominent religious shrine
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