How to Create a Project


This is a mind map to recognize the steps to follow in order to have a successful project.
Mind Map by cataluh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cataluh over 10 years ago

Resource summary

How to Create a Project
  1. Projects are based on visions and wishes we want to happen in real life
    1. Procedure to create a project
      1. Wishes
        1. Visualize your wanted future
          1. Ask yourselve
            1. What is the vision of the final product of the proyect without limitations or restrictions?
              1. How do you wish the poyect work in the future?
                1. What are the essencial values of the proyect?
                2. Don't think of the challenges
                  1. Think
                    1. Me
                      1. Others
                        1. Context
                      2. Evaluation
                        1. Two Aspects
                          1. Difference between what we want and we achieve actually.
                            1. Efficiency with our actual actions taking into account what we want in the future
                          2. Planning Actions and ways to control
                            1. Design actions and strategies to change the actual situation into the wished one.
                              1. Design ways to be on track with the actions and strategies
                                1. 7p´s/WDEP may be methods to have a control on your actions to make your project possible.
                            2. Current Actions
                              1. What are you doing for the Proyect
                                1. Think
                                  1. Me
                                    1. Personal perception
                                    2. Others
                                      1. The perseption of those affected by the project wether it is Negative or Positive
                                      2. Context
                                        1. The perseption of who represent previous agreements and normativity
                                      3. Action Plan
                                        1. Current Situation of
                                          1. The Program
                                            1. The Service
                                              1. The Product
                                                1. The Organization
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