Intro to Organic Chemistry


GCSE AS Chemistry (Chapter 5- Organic Chemistry Introduction) Mind Map on Intro to Organic Chemistry, created by Clodagh Mullins on 10/19/2014.
Clodagh Mullins
Mind Map by Clodagh Mullins, updated more than 1 year ago
Clodagh Mullins
Created by Clodagh Mullins over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Intro to Organic Chemistry
  1. Formula for Organic Compounds e.g.(Butene)
    1. Molecular
      1. C4H8
      2. Empirical
        1. CH2
        2. General (for a homologous series)
          1. Alkenes (CnH2n)
          2. Displayed
            1. Dot and Cross
              1. Structural- CH2CHCH2CH3 (but-1-ene)
                1. Skeletal
                  1. 3D
                  2. Nomenclature
                    1. the longest continous carbon chain gives the stem, e.g meth, eth, prop,
                      1. If there is more than 1 long chain choose the one with the most branching
                        1. use functional group to decide what molecule you have
                          1. number the carbons so the most important functional group is on the lowest number
                            1. branches added as prefixes put them in alphabetical order!
                              1. if there is more than one identical side group chain use di, tri etc prefixes
                                1. Locants- Shows the location of branches or functional groups
                                2. Structural Isomerism
                                  1. Same molecular formula different structural formula
                                    1. Positional
                                      1. functional group is in a different position on the carbon chain
                                      2. Chain
                                        1. Different Carbon skeleton- different arrangement due to branching
                                        2. Functional Group
                                          1. same atoms arranged into different functional groups
                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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