Deadly Unna? Creative writing


Mind Map on Deadly Unna? Creative writing, created by alice.b99 on 07/16/2013.
Mind Map by alice.b99, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alice.b99 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Deadly Unna? Creative writing
  1. Q9: pretend you are Blacky writing a letter to his father to explain how he felt about the poor relationship between them
    1. Explain how the old man affected the family
      1. Explain what the old man did
        1. Explain how Blacky felt
          1. Explain how Blacky's mother felt
            1. Aim: to make the old man feel guilty by writing how his behaviour affected not only Blacky but his wife who he dearly loved.
              1. Write about the things that were 'important to him' such as his wife, and how he ruined the things he supposively loved
            2. The things running through Blacky's mind when he is on the boat with his father
              1. Scared, Worried,what is my father doing?
                1. Mention that Blacky was afraid of his own father
                  1. "Every son needs his father"
                    1. "A father is very important in a child's life
            3. Blacky felt: Annoyed, Scared, Terrified, lost
              1. The old man never supported Blacky or his family
                1. This made it hard for Blacky's mother to take care of everyone, whilst doing all the housework. Made her stressed.
                  1. He was very violent , not supportive, physical and was annoyed easily
                2. Blacky's father was always at the pub drinking
                  1. Made his behaviour in general and towards his family horiffic
                    1. Because of this, Blacky felt...
                    2. Main idea towards behaviour and selfishness
                      1. Was the main cause of all of his problems which affected the family
                        1. The old man got furious at his children, he sometimes even abused them. He stressed out his wife, and this made it difficult for her to raise the kids on her own.
                      2. Always got angry at Blacky for small mistakes
                        1. This was often caused by the constant drinking of the old man
                        2. Write about how the Old mans actions and behaviours tore the family apart and what the consequences were
                          1. Blacky's mother gets sick? - as a result of having to look after 8 kids by herself all the time? and stress.
                            1. link back to how The old man was always at the pub and never helping out at home
                          2. overall, what did Blacky think of his father? - Scary, ticked off, harsh, mean, abusive, strict, ruiner, 'fake' dad, heartless, hard to get words out of, not supportive, it was suprising if the old man ever congratulated him. These words all made Blacky's family weaker
                            1. Blacky was shocked when he saw his father at the football celebration
                              1. idea: Blacky and his family move away from the port, to avoid the abusive content of the old man. Eventually Blacky's mother gets sick. - Blacky says this is the old mans fault because he caused her so much stress
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