Brooks(James Whitmore) is trying to convince the guys in prison that the outside world is changing


Logos, pathos, ethos mind map, ENG IV
Mind Map by kokowebber, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kokowebber over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Brooks(James Whitmore) is trying to convince the guys in prison that the outside world is changing
  1. Ethos
    1. Has been in prison for a while
      1. "I saw an automobile once when i was a kid, now there everywhere"
        1. Ellis redding(morgan freeman) points out that he was in prison for 50 years
        2. Is old enough, has experience
          1. "I saw an automobile once when i was a kid, now there everywhere"
            1. "I guess i'm too old for that sort of nonesense anymore
          2. Logos
            1. Amounts of things have changed
              1. "I saw an automobile once when i was a kid, now there everywhere"
                1. "I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time." Shows there are more shoppers
                2. Steps: He has trouble sleeping at night, creates confusion
                  1. Causes him to contemplate robbing the Food-Way in order for him go back to prison
                    1. However, he decides not to because he is too old
                      1. End result is him commiting suicide
                3. Pathos
                  1. Shows depression about outside world
                    1. "I've decided not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss, not for an old crook like me"
                      1. "Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Food-Way, so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus."
                      2. Makes the reader feel sad
                        1. I have bad dreams, like I'm falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am.
                          1. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello. But he never does.
                        2. Shawshank Redemption
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