characterisation: lola and manni


Mind Map on characterisation: lola and manni, created by Tesa Spada on 07/21/2013.
Tesa Spada
Mind Map by Tesa Spada, updated more than 1 year ago
Tesa Spada
Created by Tesa Spada over 11 years ago

Resource summary

characterisation: lola and manni
  1. lola
    1. fiery red hair, short sticks up
      1. stance, way she runs reflects her strong determined nature
        1. look is not mainstream, sets her apart from most main characters
          1. main protagonist
            1. give the sequence of the movie meaning
              1. journey of failure and success
                1. she is the heroine of the film
                  1. responder repeated positioned adopt view through point of view shots
                2. manni
                  1. looks groomed, rough edge
                    1. reflects his criminal history
                      1. lashes out and though responder can see very agresive temper
                        1. lolas boyfriend
                          1. catalyst all drama
                            1. his actions exemplify hero characteristics
                              1. he is victim
                                1. shown through dialogue is potrayed weak and vunerabled
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