Everything that exists was caused to exist. The universe exists, so it must have a cause.
There had to be something eternal that was not caused by anything. The eternal first
cause was God. Therefore God exists (or else the universe would not.)
St Thomas Aquinas
Was a Christian who lived in the middle ages and believed that the
universe had a beginning. Argued that nothing can cause itself to come
into existence. Aquinas argued that this first cause was God.
Design/Teleological argument
States that the universe is too well ordered and intricately designed to have come
about by chance therefore it must have been designed. The designer was God because
he is out of space and time.
WIlliam Paley
Compared the idea of the design argument to a watch. He argued that if you found a watch and
didn't know what it was you would immediately know that it was designed due to its intricate
parts which make it work.
Theists use miracles to prove that God exists. There is no scientific explanation
for miracles so it they must be supernatural events. The miracle must have been
caused by something outside nature. Only God is outside of nature so miracles
must be a result of God's intervention in the world. Therefore God exists
Religious Experience
Communicating with God through prayer and meditation
When praying believers are not only speaking to God,
they listen for a reply. Some use meditation to feel closer
to God.
Feeling God's presence in worship
Feeling the presence of God in nature
Some theists get feelings of awe when looking at nature and are
convinced they have felt the presence of God.
Experiencing a conversion
Some theists believe that God has contacted them directly.
For example, St Paul was originally a Jew who was against
Christianity until he had a religious experience which converted him
to Christianity
Involvement in a miraculous event
Morality is the sense of right and wrong that guides people's behaviour.
Believers argue that this is an inner voice from God that guides our behaviour.
People have an inbuilt sense of morality. This sense comes from a source outside of them.
This source is God. Therefore God exists.