The Little Prince


Mind Map on The Little Prince, created by candy.blueberry on 10/26/2014.
Mind Map by candy.blueberry, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by candy.blueberry about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Little Prince
  1. Orientation
    1. Pilot met The Little Prince.
      1. Boa Constrictor
        1. The Little Prince tell the pilot about his journey
        2. Complication
          1. Geographer
            1. King
              1. Businessman
                1. Lamplighter
                  1. Conceited man
                    1. Tippler
                    2. Climax
                      1. Snake
                        1. Roses
                          1. Fox
                          2. Resolution
                            1. The Little Prince returned to his planet
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