Characteristics of Living Things


Mind Map on Characteristics of Living Things, created by /Kereagan Gallant on 02/10/2018.
/Kereagan Gallant
Mind Map by /Kereagan Gallant, updated more than 1 year ago
/Kereagan Gallant
Created by /Kereagan Gallant over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Characteristics of Living Things
  1. Respond to Stimuli
    1. A stimulus change in the environment that an organism can detect
      1. An example is a man seeing a lion would cause him to run away from the lion.
      2. Made of Cells
        1. Cells are the basic unit of life and function of living organisms
          1. There are multicellular and unicellular organisms all around the globe that have different purposes to help the enviorment
          2. Use Energy
            1. Autotrophs use energy from the sun to form their own.
              1. Energy is needed for organisms to carry out their daily functions
              2. Made of Chemicals
                1. The chemicals are lipids,carbohydrates,nucleic acid and proteins
                  1. it also includes water which is the most abundant of the chemicals.
                  2. Grow and Develop
                    1. Grow means to physically get bigger
                      1. Develop means to change and become more complex mentally
                      2. Reproduce
                        1. Reproduce means to create a new organism from an existing organism
                          1. If a species stops reproducing than it will eventually go extinct and that not very good
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