Teaching Listening


Mind Map on Teaching Listening, created by chrono611 on 10/27/2014.
Mind Map by chrono611, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chrono611 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Teaching Listening
  1. Goals And Techniques
    1. produce Ss who can use Listening Strategies
      1. Listening Process
        1. Process rather than Product
          1. students' awareness
            1. practice the full repertoire
              1. authentic Communication
                1. Listening Strategies
              2. Authentic Materials
                1. Communication
                  1. One-Way
                    1. Materials
                      1. Procedure
                      2. Two-Way
                        1. speaker's meaning rather than the speaker's language
                    2. Integrating Metacognitive Strategies
                      1. Before listening: Plan for the listening task
                        1. During and after listening: Monitor comprehension
                          1. After listening: Evaluate comprehension and strategy use
                      2. Developing Listening Skills
                        1. Effective language instruction helps students develop a set of listening strategies
                          1. Listening Strategies
                            1. techniques or activities that contribute directly to the comprehension
                              1. Top-down
                                1. Bottom-up
                              2. Listening for Meaning
                                1. Figure out the purpose for listening
                                  1. Attend to the parts of the listening input
                                    1. Select top-down between bottom-up strategies
                                      1. Check comprehension
                                  2. Listening Activities
                                    1. contextualized task
                                      1. approximate to real-life tasks
                                      2. instructional goal
                                        1. Identification
                                          1. Orientation
                                            1. Main idea comprehension
                                              1. Detail comprehension
                                                1. Replication
                                                2. difficulty of the listening text
                                                  1. pre-listening activities
                                                    1. students' background knowledge
                                                      1. comprehension of the listening
                                                        1. clarify any cultural information
                                                          1. provide opportunities for grouping
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