CO2 in the Atmosphere and Oceans


Mind Map on CO2 in the Atmosphere and Oceans, created by sebastian1862 on 10/28/2014.
Mind Map by sebastian1862, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sebastian1862 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

CO2 in the Atmosphere and Oceans
  1. CO2 emissions between 1990-2012 have greatly increased via international transportation, developing countries ad so on. Decreases have been made by the EU and US but mainly due to Recession.
    1. Measurements
      1. Keeling Curve: Mauna Loa, Hawaii
        1. South Pole
          1. Fluctuations smaller due to depressed climate
          2. Remote and isolated from local effects
            1. Both show an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere despite annual cycle flucuations of respiration and photosynthesis.
              1. Proxy records of Atmospheric CO2
                1. Ice core records where bubbles of gases form in ice allowing us to analyse atmosphere back to 780,000 years
                  1. Vostok Record
                    1. Founded Milankovitch cycles of 400,000 years
                2. CO2 reaching 400ppm, first time reached since 3-5million years ago when humans were not about. (2-3 celsius higher)
                3. Causes
                  1. Fossil Fuel combustion
                    1. Cement manufacture (CaCO3 = CaO + CO2)
                      1. Deforestation (reduced uptake and increased respiration)
                        1. Agriculture (slash and burn techniques and change to less carbon fixing crops (cash crops such as palm trees).
                        2. Greenhouse Effect
                          1. Incoming solar radiation (short and long wave) adsorbed by Ocean and land (51%), Atmospheric gases (19%)
                            1. Remaining radiation scattered or reflected. Land and Ocean re-emit to atmosphere but long (infared) re-adsorbed in atmosphere, only short wave escapes.
                              1. Earth's atmosphere converts retained solar energy into heat. Without, temperatures would be 4 celsius
                          2. Consequences
                            1. Link to CO2 and temperautre via geological records
                              1. Climate warming? Strong evidence from UK Met Office, US NOAA and US NASA that it is
                                1. Artic sea ice reducing
                                  1. Northern hemisphere snow anomaly reducing
                                    1. Ocean heat increasing
                                      1. Sea levels rising abow 1993-1999 average to 70mm higher by 2015
                                      2. Future Predictions
                                        1. Intergovernmental Panel on Cimate Change (IPCC) set up by UN and WMO with 2,500 scientists and technical experts report 2013
                                          1. Increasing CO2 conc, temperature increase, sea level rise. 2 degrees rise in Arctic region, no place will experience no change
                                          2. Role of oceans
                                            1. Amount of C in atmosphere=2.0 x 10 power 16 moles
                                              1. Amount of C in oceans: 2.5 x 10 power 18
                                                1. Huge sink for partitioning C
                                                  1. Enhanced Oceanic uptake of CO2: Ocean Acidification
                                                    1. Evidence: CO2 dissolves in SW to form carbonic acid. Absorption of anthropogenic CO2 lead to decease in pH. Consequences with CO3 tests, nutrient cycles.
                                                  2. Oceans as a sink for CO2
                                                    1. Long periods of time, acts as a sink for inorganic and organic C.
                                                      1. Transfer of C to deep ocean is called SEQUESTRATION
                                                        1. Gets there via physical processes and Biological Pump
                                                    2. Biological Pump
                                                      1. Combined biological processes transfer organic matter and associated elements to depth for rapid C sequestration.
                                                        1. Quickly removes C from surface ocean and atmosphere. Without pump, 200ppmv increase in atmospheric CO2
                                                      2. Solubility Pump
                                                        1. Deep water formation in to upwelling out
                                                        2. SUMMARY: Direct measurements of atmospheric CO2 go back no more than 60 years. Longer records via ice cores 780,000. Present CO2 close to 400ppm unprecedented in past 1 million years (humans and societies evolved) . Higher atmospheric CO2 led to global warming, decline in Arctic sea ice extent, increase heat of upper ocean leading to sea level rise. Oceans absorb 1/3 of CO2 resulting from human activities (anthropogenic) due to biological and solubility pumps.
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