C1 Topic 2 Materials from the Earth


Mind Map on C1 Topic 2 Materials from the Earth, created by meerkat_786 on 10/30/2014.
Mind Map by meerkat_786, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by meerkat_786 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

C1 Topic 2 Materials from the Earth
  1. Formation of Rocks
    1. Igneous
      1. Magma solidifies to become a solid rock
        1. cool fast = small crystals
          1. cool slow = large crystals
        2. Sedimentary
          1. Erosion of rock, sediment layers compact to form rock
            1. Sometimes fossil remains are found
          2. Metamorphic
            1. Heat and/or pressure can change rocks
              1. limestone -> marble (stronger due to interlocking crystlas)
          3. Limestone uses
            1. Quarrying
              1. Advantages
                1. More jobs
                  1. Help UK economy
                  2. Disadvantages
                    1. Dusty and Noisy
                      1. Extra Traffic = Pollution
                      2. Damage tourist industry
                    2. Products
                      1. Cement
                        1. limestone + clay
                        2. Concrete
                          1. cement + gravel + water
                          2. Glass
                            1. limestone + sand + sodium carbonate
                          3. Neutralisation
                            1. limestone- ability to neutralise acids
                              1. Reduce acidity of soil
                                1. sprayed in chimneys -acidic gases
                                  1. reduce harmful emission and acid rain
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