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The French and Indian War
Mind Map on The French and Indian War, created by av92501 on 10/30/2014.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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about 10 years ago
Resource summary
The French and Indian War
France claims Western lands
By the late 1600's French explorers had claimed the Ohio River Valley and the Mississippi River Valley
La Salle in 1682 stretched from the Appalaciahan Mountains from the Rocky Mountains
The French's main settlements are Quebec, Montreal along the St. Lawrence river in Canada
Native American's furs to French forts and exchanged them for goods such as iron pots and steel knives
Native American alliances
The fur trade created economic and military alliances between the Europeans and their Native American trading partners
The Huron and Algonquin peoples of the Great Lakes region were allied with the French
Alliances between Europeans and Native Americans led to their involvement in each others wars
Eventually the Iroquis controlled an area ranging from Maine west to the Ohio Valley and north to Lake Michigan
When France and England declared war on each other in Europe in 1689 French and English colonists in America also began to fight
With the Native American allies they attracted each other settlements and forts
The French and Indian war decided which nation would control the northern and eastern parts of North America
Conflict in the Ohio River Valley
To keep the British out of the Valley, Charles D. Langlad destroyed the village of Pickawillany and its British trading post
British traders left and the French built forts to protect the region linking the Canadian and Louisian settlements
Their leader was 21 year old major Washington and reported the French commanders reply
Virginias lieutenant governor sent about 40 men to build a fort at the head of the Ohio River where Pittsburg is today
French named it's fort, Dequesen
War begins and spreads
George Washington and his men pushed and built another small fort
the war became part of a 7 year war a world wide struggle between France and Great Britain
Franklin admired the union of six Iroquis Nations
Albany plan of union was the first formal proposal to unite colonies
Bradock defeat
in 1755 Braddock marched towards the French at Fort Dequesen
The red coated army of 2,100 moved slowly over the mountains way down by cannons
4 bullets went through Washingtons coat.
in the end 1,000 were killed or wounded. Braddock dies from his wounds
British takes Quebec
Quebec sat on cliffs 300 feet above the St. Lawrence river
when the French awoke the British were lined up ready to attack. Wolf was killed
the battle of Quebec was the turning point of the war
Treaty of Paris
Spain made a pact in 1761 to aid France but its help came to late
when the 7 year war ended in 1763 britsain won
by the treaty of Paris Britain claimed all of North america east of the mississippi river
the treaty ended french power in North America
Pontiacs rebellion
in the spring and summer of 1763 Native American groups responded by attacking forts almost every british west of the Appalacian Mountains
they surrounbded the three remaing forts
the revolt was call Pontiacs rebellion. Although the Ottawa war leader Pontiac was one of the many organizers
the officers invited Delaware invited war leaders to talk and then gave them small pox infected blankets. This started a deadly outbreak.
British issued the Proclamation of 1763 which forbid colonists to set west of the Appalachin mountains
the Britsh government was angry at the colonist who didnt want to pay for their own defense
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