Science - Elements And Compounds


Mind Map on Science - Elements And Compounds, created by 13stevensonr on 11/02/2014.
Mind Map by 13stevensonr, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 13stevensonr about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Science - Elements And Compounds
  1. An element is a substance made up of the same type of atoms.
    1. The only liquids in the periodic table are Br (bromine) and Hg (mercury).
      1. On the periodic table a group is a column (upwards) and a row is a period (across).
        1. Hydrogen is by itself at the top of the periodic table.
          1. The non - metal section of the periodic table starts at the top of Al (aluminium) and finishes at the right hand side of Po (polonium).
            1. The gasses are all of the right hand side column of the non - metals section and all of the top row apart from B and C.
              1. The symbols have a capital and then a lower case letter.
                1. A compound is a substance made up of two or more different atoms.
                  1. A compound is formed when elements form a chemical bond with each other.
                    1. The periodic table is made up of elements.
                      1. Nitrogen is the biggest part of the air.
                        1. All equations have to balance so if there is a 2 on one side there has to be a 2 on the other side.
                          1. Tungsten's symbol is W.
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