The Fat Boy


Mind Map on The Fat Boy, created by Emerson Dobbs on 11/03/2014.
Emerson Dobbs
Mind Map by Emerson Dobbs, updated more than 1 year ago
Emerson Dobbs
Created by Emerson Dobbs over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Fat Boy
    1. "The children smiled at him as he watched and were content in his presence"
      1. "The new girl looked out and said he looked as if he were crying"
        1. "His heavy thighs made the flap of his fly gape"
          1. ".... the doctor said that Melanie was pregnant"
            1. "It was a terrible thing to think that the fat boy could take advantage of Melanie's handicap"
              1. "Life would be immeasurably better for them all with the fat boy gone"
                1. "The fat boy had the knack of being where he was least desired"
                  1. "The fat boy stood before the railings and held one of the iron bars like a staff."
                    1. "No-one seemed to know what happened to the Fat Boy's body"
                      1. "Nearly everyone was relieved that the fat boy had been got rid of ... and no-body likes a fat boy watching them, you know"
                        1. "The fat boy had a knack of being where he was least desired"
                          1. "They recognised in him a common enemy"
                          2. Themes
                            1. Small town mentalities and the immoral actions that come of them
                              1. Small town society and projecting guilt onto convenient scapegoats.
                                1. Small town mentality of silencing collective consciences in attempt to allow crime to flourish
                                2. Characters
                                  1. Fat boy
                                    1. Melanie Lamb
                                      1. Railway workers
                                        1. Mrs Lammerton
                                          1. Mr Lammerton
                                            1. Mr McNulty
                                              1. The new girl
                                                1. The IHC children
                                                  1. The music teacher
                                                    1. Mrs Denzil
                                                      1. The police
                                                      2. Purpose
                                                        1. Marshal wants to open our eyes to a different way of thinking. He doesn't want us to reject people that are different (outsiders).
                                                        2. So What's
                                                          1. Relation to crimes committed in the real world because people are able to silence their consciences.
                                                            1. Hierarchy. Big guy is always going to pick on the person with less power. Bullying etc.
                                                              1. Victims too afraid to stand up for themselves.
                                                                1. Court system.
                                                                  1. Small towners
                                                                  2. Symbols
                                                                    1. The fat boy
                                                                      1. Religious figure
                                                                        1. Died for the sins and wrong doings of the human race.
                                                                          1. Protect innocent.
                                                                            1. Make people take responsibility.
                                                                            2. Conscience
                                                                              1. Outsiders
                                                                            3. Setting.
                                                                              1. Small town life
                                                                                1. Bad area.
                                                                                  1. Highlights level of crime.
                                                                                2. Events
                                                                                  1. McNulty's warehouse fire
                                                                                    1. Mrs Denzil murdered
                                                                                      1. Nigel Lammerton beats his wife.
                                                                                        1. Melanie Lamb pregnant
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