Why & how did Hitler become Chancellor in Germany?


Mind Map on Why & how did Hitler become Chancellor in Germany?, created by sani_k on 11/06/2014.
Mind Map by sani_k, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sani_k over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Why & how did Hitler become Chancellor in Germany?
  1. Said he would create an empire which would outlast any other
      1. Nazism was born out of WW1
      2. Marxists=Communists=Bolsheviks
        1. Hitler was very good at giving speeches and getting his point across.
          1. Offering solutions to the problems
          2. Weimar Republic Government-->government after the war
            1. Hitler had strong hatred for Jews. Blamed them for everything.
              1. TofV was hated
                1. Weimar Republic defeated after WW1
                  1. He joined a working party, number 555. He was actually number 55. They wanted to seem popular
                    1. Financial chaos for Germany due to the Treaty in WW1
                      1. Socialist Germany working party. Named NAZIS for short
                        1. January 1922, French came in on horses to collect reparations and wiped out the Germans
                          1. NOV 8- called for a national right wing party
                            1. Hitler became famous.
                              1. Nobody knew that he was supposed to be imprisoned for 3 months. judge dropped it to 1.
                                1. 1924- Hitler and Nazis became irrelevant
                                  1. Mid 1920's the German economy recovered
                                    1. Germans disapproved and joined groups
                                      1. G workers party--> National Socialist German Workers Party
                                        1. Hitler promised to overturn the TofV as people hated it
                                          1. Wall Street Crash+Depression--> offering them scapegoats (jews)
                                            1. Effective use of propaganda
                                              1. Was a solider in WW1
                                                1. He was manipulative
                                                  1. Offered help to the most disadvantaged people in society (target)
                                                    1. Several bad experiences with Jews
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