House of Cards


CCF anglais oral series
Mind Map by Maryse VINCENT, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Maryse VINCENT over 5 years ago

Resource summary

House of Cards
  1. The poster
    1. The characters / the actors
      1. The title
        1. The characters / The actors
          1. The lead/main characters are
            1. Francis Underwood
              1. who is played by Kevin Spacey
              2. Claire Underwood
                1. who is played by Robin Wright
                2. Doug Stamper
                  1. who is played by Michael Kelly
              3. In the foreground / background / middle
                1. At the top / at the bottom
                  1. on the left / on the right
                    1. I can see ... There is / are... They look...
                    2. The story
                      1. The period
                        1. The story takes place...
                          1. Nowadays
                        2. The plot
                          1. The film is about ...
                            1. manipulation
                              1. power
                                1. murder
                                  1. betrayal
                                2. Seasons / Episods
                                  1. 6 seasons
                                    1. 73 episods
                                  2. Introduction
                                    1. Nationality
                                      1. American
                                      2. Genre
                                        1. political thriller
                                        2. Producers
                                          1. It was produced by ...
                                            1. David Fincher / Kevin Spacey / Eric Roth
                                          2. The set
                                            1. The scene takes place in ...
                                              1. Washington and the White House
                                            2. House of cards
                                              1. I'm going to talk about...
                                              2. date of realease
                                                1. It was released in ...
                                                  1. 2013 on Netflix
                                              3. Criticism
                                                1. The Good
                                                  1. interesting
                                                    1. funny
                                                      1. I felt happy about ..
                                                      2. The Bad
                                                        1. boring
                                                          1. frightening
                                                            1. It scared me a lot
                                                              1. I felt sad about ....
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