

CCF anglais oral series
Charles Besnier
Mind Map by Charles Besnier, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Maryse VINCENT over 5 years ago
Copied by Maryse VINCENT over 5 years ago
Charles Besnier
Copied by Charles Besnier over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The poster
    1. Title
      1. GREEN
        1. at the bottom
          1. The characters / The actors
            1. The lead/main characters are
              1. Arrow
                1. Oliver queen is played by stephen amell
                  1. warrior
                    1. he wants to fight to not think about it is 5 years of suffering
                  2. théa queen
                    1. théa queen is played by Willa Holland
                      1. she learns very quickly to fight to perfection
                        1. a great mental strength and she does not let herself be manipulated
                      2. John Diggle
                        1. John Diggle is played by David Ramsey
                          1. a fighter
                            1. he does not shrink from fighting with arrow and is even in danger at times
                      3. in the foreground, we see the main character. In the background we see the characters accompanying Arrow and in the background we see a building with smoking.
                        1. At the top / at the bottom
                          1. I can see ... There is / are... They look...
                          2. on the left there is John diggle and on the right there is black canary
                            1. Impressions
                              1. I think this poster is effective because .....
                            2. The story
                              1. The period
                                1. The story takes place starling city
                                2. The plot
                                  1. The film is about ...
                                    1. A man finds himself on a desert island alone and is captured by renegades but manages to escape and finds a friend. He learns to fight and manages to escape from the island.
                                      1. the league of the assassin is created and eliminating arrow to be able to reign on starling city
                                          1. he returns to his city after 5 years of absence. it's friend on the island become wicked and he will become a slayer and fight it's old friend.
                                        1. Seasons / Episods
                                          1. 7 seasons
                                            1. 161 episods
                                              1. The duration of each episod is 40 minutes
                                            2. Introduction
                                              1. Nationality
                                                1. The series is the Uniteds Stats
                                                2. Genre
                                                  1. It's a Action series
                                                  2. Producers
                                                    1. It was produced by J. P. Finn and Wendy Mericle
                                                    2. The set
                                                      1. The scene takes place in Starling city
                                                      2. TV series's title
                                                        1. I'm going to talk about Arrow
                                                        2. date of realease
                                                          1. It was released in october 2012
                                                        3. Criticism
                                                          1. The Good
                                                            1. there are other DC comics series heroes
                                                              1. there are characters who disappear and come back in full of an episode
                                                                1. there is always a new story every season
                                                                2. The Bad
                                                                  1. the story is repetitive
                                                                    1. he has too much flash back
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