Hardware and software used by translators nowadays


Mind Map on Hardware and software used by translators nowadays, created by Vicky Martínez on 21/01/2019.
Vicky Martínez
Mind Map by Vicky Martínez, updated more than 1 year ago
Vicky Martínez
Created by Vicky Martínez about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Hardware and software used by translators nowadays
  1. Software
    1. CAT Tools
      1. Trados SL
        1. OmegaT
          1. WordFast
            1. MemoQ
            2. MT
              1. Deepl
                1. Google Translate
                  1. Linguee
                  2. Terminological tools
                    1. Text processors
                      1. Herramientas lexicográficas/electrónicas de documentación
                        1. Bases de datos
                          1. IATE
                          2. Tesauros
                            1. Diccionarios enciclopedias
                            2. Project management tools
                            3. Hardware
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