Chemistry: Kinetic Particle Theory


Mind Map on Chemistry: Kinetic Particle Theory, created by xin y on 08/14/2013.
xin y
Mind Map by xin y, updated more than 1 year ago
xin y
Created by xin y over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chemistry: Kinetic Particle Theory
  1. Matter
    1. Solid
      1. Particles are closely packed and orderly.
        1. Very strong attractive forces exist between particles
          1. Particles vibrate about their fixed positions at very low kinetic energy
          2. Liquid
            1. Particles are less closely packed than in a solid and disorderly
              1. Strong attractive forces exist between particles
                1. Particles move freely throughout the liquid by sliding over one another at a higher kinetic energy than in the solid
                2. Gas
                  1. Particles are very far apart from each other and disorderly
                    1. Very weak attractive forces exist between particles
                      1. Particles move about rapidly in any direction, with frequent collisions, at a very high kinetic energy
                      2. *Plasma
                        1. Plasma is a collection of highly energized gas particles that exists as ions.
                        2. Bose-Einstein condensate
                          1. have super cold and unexcited atoms
                          2. Inter-conversion
                            1. melting
                              1. A substance changes from a solid to a liquid at the melting point
                              2. freezing
                                1. A substance changes from a liquid to solid at the freezing point
                                2. boiling
                                  1. A substance changes from a liquid to a gas at the boiling point
                                  2. condensation
                                    1. A gas changes to a liquid. It happens when hot vapour touches a cold surface
                                    2. evaporation
                                      1. A liquid changes to a gas at temperatures lower than its boiling point
                                      2. sublimation
                                        1. A solid changes to a gas directly without going through the liquid state
                                        2. Deposition
                                          1. A gas changes directly to a solid without going through the liquid state
                                      3. Heating and Cooling curves
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