Traumas of La Tramacúa


Mind Map on Traumas of La Tramacúa, created by Juanita Benítez on 08/02/2019.
Juanita Benítez
Mind Map by Juanita Benítez, updated more than 1 year ago
Juanita Benítez
Created by Juanita Benítez about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Traumas of La Tramacúa
    1. The inmates hunger strike
      1. Since April 6th
        1. Is a protest by those want to either improve conditions at the prision, or to close it
        2. The prision La Tramacúa, has become Colombia’s most infamous penitentiary
          1. In theory, its design assures an adequate water supply and climate control
            1. Its known as the ‘punishment jail’ and the ‘Colombian Guantánamo’.
          2. CAUSES
            1. Lack of water
              1. The Fundación Lazos de Dignidad afirm that situation
              2. Lack of medical care
                1. Excessive heat
                  1. Inadequate ventilation
                    1. Tortuous conditions
                      1. The prisons are overpopulated by more than 50%
                        1. The building’s flaws were evident even before its opening
                          1. Inadequate administration has meant the prison’s facilities have been improperly managed
                          2. PERSONAL OPINION
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