Food chain


Mind Map on Food chain , created by patricia moyano clemente on 11/02/2019.
patricia moyano clemente
Mind Map by patricia moyano clemente, updated more than 1 year ago
patricia moyano clemente
Created by patricia moyano clemente about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Food chain
  1. 1. Producers
    1. Foundation food
      1. Protist
      2. 2.consumers
        1. Feed on producers
          1. Primary cosumers
            1. Grasshoper
              1. Giraffes
                1. Hervivores
                2. Secondary consumers
                  1. Feed on primary consumers
                    1. Carnivores, omnivores
                      1. They are: predators and prey
                        1. Snakes
                        2. Tertiary consumers
                          1. Hawks
                            1. Prey secondary consumers
                              1. Carnivores omnivores
                            2. Decomposers
                              1. Fungi, bacteria...
                                1. Feed on dead organic matter
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