Mind Maps


Mind Map on Mind Maps, created by amyg2200 on 08/16/2013.
Mind Map by amyg2200, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amyg2200 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mind Maps
  1. Uses
    1. Brainstorming
      1. Summarizing Information
        1. Note taking
          1. Thinking through complex problems
            1. Presenting information in a format that shows the overall structure of your subject.
              1. Studying and memorizing information.
              2. Presentation/ Set Up Of A Mind Map
                1. Center Of The Page
                  1. Subject
                    1. Bold Bubble/ Circle
                      1. Lines From Center Circle
                        1. Subheadings
                          1. points
                            1. Facts
                              1. Information
                                1. Key Words
                                  1. Key Concepts
                                    1. Definitions
                                2. Images
                                  1. Diagrams
                                    1. Symbols
                                      1. Visual impact
                                        1. Deeper Understanding
                                      2. Formatting Techquies
                                        1. Bold
                                          1. Italic
                                            1. Size
                                              1. Font
                                                1. Underline
                                                  1. Colour
                                                  2. Paragraphs
                                                    1. Into Sentences
                                                      1. each para- 1 key idea
                                                        1. Structured
                                                          1. Firstly, Secondly, thirdly, Finally.....
                                                      2. Effective Mind Maps
                                                        1. Increases Creativity
                                                          1. Clealry Presents Notes and Facts
                                                            1. Shows Individual Parts Of A Subject
                                                              1. Associate Ideas
                                                                1. Increases Creativity
                                                                  1. Connections
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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